100+ (useful) tasks Siri does for you on HomePod, HomePod mini

HomePod mini is compact and designed to fit well in any room.
I’ve been using a brand-new Apple HomePod mini, but thought this list of Siri tasks you can ask your Apple smart speakers to do for you may come in useful, particularly to new users who’ve not experienced one before.
100+ (useful) tasks Siri does for you on HomePod, HomePod mini
Music and entertainment
- Hey Siri, play music for waking up
- Hey Siri, play my personal station
- Hey Siri, I like this song
- Hey Siri, continue playing my podcast
- Hey Siri, play The Weekend
- Hey Siri, play New Music Daily
- Hey Siri, play the song that goes “come on come on turn the radio on”
- Hey Siri, play some Pop music
- Hey Siri, tell me the news
- Hey Siri, what song is this?
- Hey Siri, play music in the kitchen and living room
- Hey Siri, play Glass Animals everywhere
- Hey Siri, play the Hamilton soundtrack
- Hey Siri, play ’90s hip-hop
- Hey Siri, play something I can dance to
- Hey Siri, turn up the volume
- Hey Siri, play The Daily podcast
- Hey Siri, play Taylor Swift’s latest album
- Hey Siri, play music my friends are listening to
- Hey Siri, play more songs like this
- Hey Siri, play the song that goes “sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air”
- Hey Siri, play my workout playlist in the living room
- Hey Siri, play top hits by Fleetwood Mac
Music playback tasks
- Hey Siri, turn it up
- Hey Siri, turn it up a lot
- Hey Siri, turn it up a little bit more
- Hey Siri, set the volume to 85%
- Hey Siri, turn the volume down
- Hey Siri, stop
- Hey Siri, play
- Hey Siri, next song
- Hey Siri, skip forward 30 seconds
- Hey Siri, previous track
We want news and information
- “What time does Target close?”—and once the answer is provided, a Siri suggestion automatically appears in CarPlay, so the route is ready and waiting for you in the car.
- Hey Siri, what can I ask you?
- Hey Siri, what’s the news?
- Hey Siri, what is the weather today?
- Hey Siri, how many ounces are in a cup?
- Hey Siri, what’s my update?
- Hey Siri, how do you spell Chihuahua?
- Hey Siri, what time is it in London?
- Hey Siri, play ocean sounds
- Hey Siri, set a timer for 3 minutes
- Hey Siri, set an alarm in the bedroom for 7 a.m.
- Hey Siri, stop the timer in the kitchen
- Hey Siri, what’s 15 times 45?
- Hey Siri, who won the last World Cup?
- Hey Siri, how do you say “hello” in Mandarin?
- Hey Siri, when is Father’s Day?
- Hey Siri, what does a whale sound like?
- Hey Siri, what’s the tallest mountain in the world?
- Hey Siri, flip a coin
[Also read: How to use HomePod to make and receive calls]
Time management and the art of lost things
- Hey Siri, ping my iPhone
- Hey Siri, where is my Apple Watch?
- Hey Siri, what time is my first meeting tomorrow?
- Hey Siri, where is my meeting at 3 p.m.?
- Hey Siri, add Michelle’s birthday dinner to my calendar this Friday
- Hey Siri, schedule a haircut for Saturday at 11 a.m.
- Hey Siri, add spicy tuna roll to my sushi order note
- Hey Siri, take a note that Ava’s school project is on rainforests
- Hey Siri, what’s my update?
- Hey Siri, play my update
- Hey Siri, remind me to charge the car tomorrow
- Hey Siri, set a reminder to take the garbage out tonight
- Hey Siri, add flour to the grocery list
- Hey Siri, add sunscreen to my packing list
- Hey Siri, what’s the traffic like to my work?
- Hey Siri, what time does Whole Foods open?
- Hey Siri, what’s the nearest hardware store?
- Hey Siri, how long is my commute to work?
Call wrangling
- Hey Siri, call Archie
- Hey Siri, who just called?
- Hey Siri, call Sophia at work
- Hey Siri, text Morgan, Let’s meet up at 7 p.m.
- Hey Siri, message Mom, Can you send me your lasagna recipe?
- Hey Siri, message Amanda, Just got home, FaceTime in 10?
- Hey Siri, arm my security system
- Hey Siri, start the vacuum
- Hey Siri, cool the car
Even more reminders
- Hey Siri, set a 5-minute timer
- Hey Siri, set a 10-minute pasta timer
- Hey Siri, stop the timer in the kitchen
- Hey Siri, how much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?
- Hey Siri, how long does it take to get to the moon?
- Hey Siri, at what temperature does water boil?
Keep it ambient
- Hey Siri, play ocean sounds
- Hey Siri, play white noise
- Hey Siri, stop playing in 30 minutes
- Hey Siri, play the news
- Hey Siri, play the business news (or entertainment, sports),
- Hey Siri, what does a whale sound like?
- Hey Siri, play a helicopter sound
- Hey Siri, what sound does a bamboo flute make?
Smart home tasks
- Hey Siri, I’m home
- Hey Siri, I’m heading out Hey Siri, good morning Hey Siri, good night
- Hey Siri, it’s movie night
- Hey Siri, turn on the lights
- Hey Siri, cool the house to 72 degrees
- Hey Siri, turn off the TV
- Hey Siri, lock the front door
- Hey Siri, close the garage
- Hey Siri, adjust my lights automatically
- Hey Siri, turn on the coffee maker
- Hey Siri, is the front door locked?
- Hey Siri, is there someone in the living room?
- Hey Siri, are the lights on in the master bedroom?
- Hey Siri, what’s the temperature in the living room?
- Hey Siri, did I leave the garage door open?
- Hey Siri, how’s the indoor air quality?
- Hey Siri, should I replace my filter?
Fabulous new Intercom features
The new Intercom feature is explained in more depth over there. Here’s a few of the ways to use it.
- Hey Siri, intercom everyone, Dinner is ready
- Hey Siri, respond, I’ll be there in 5 minutes
- Hey Siri, tell everyone, I’m on my way home, want me to pick anything up?
- Hey Siri, announce, the movie is starting now
- Hey Siri, intercom,
- Has anyone seen my glasses?
Do you have any more? Please share them in comments below.
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