12 reasons to buy an M1 Apple Silicon Mac (and 1 reason not to)

M1 chip Apple claims
Apple’s super-fast Apple Silicon Macs are available now. There are dozens of reasons to get one to see what they can do, and one good reason to wait a little while.
Reasons to get one
What follows are a small selection of reasons to invest in one of these new Macs. There are other reasons, too, particularly if you use one of Apple’s pro apps or the growing range of recently optimized applications to get things done, but here are 12 compelling arguments:
- Your Mac will wake from Sleep instantly.
- Apps will launch almost instantly.
- Safari will be much, much faster.
- When you zoom in or out on an image, window — even a vector graphics file, the whole experience will be much smoother.
- Your (optimized) applications will be faster.
- Even apps running on Rosetta may be faster.
- All the Apple apps – including pro apps – have already been optimized.
- You’ll use much less electricity every year than you do with your current Mac.
- You’ll be able to run apps for Intel Macs as well as iPhone and iPad apps.
- You’ll enjoy up to 6x better graphics performance.
- The single M1 chip inside that Mac delivers as much computational power as multiple Xserves.
- These are already industry leading
One reason to wait
The biggest reason to wait?
Everyone always says that because Apple is such a cutting edge competitor when it moves into new markets or takes a big step like this one, it’s always a good idea to avoid the first-generation product in order to invest in second generation hardware once any unidentified wrinkles are ironed out.
But where’s the fun in that?
The reason b (which is the same reason but different), is that if the M1 chip can deliver these gains, then the M2 will blow the processor industry apart.
On paper, at least, and based on Apple’s marketing claims, I think these Macs may well rock and I can’t wait to begin using one.
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Another reason to wait for me: Apps that aren’t optimized, and that I need to do my work. I have my eye on a silicon Mac mini, but I will need to wait until Adobe, for one, gets it’s act together.