6+ things you (probably) forgot your iPhone could do

‘Perhaps I only needed on iPhone with these tips..”
The iPhone has always been a powerful portable computer. It’s capable of doing so much, but it takes repetition to get natural with everything it does. The following 6 things you forgot your iPhone could do may help you remember to use them next time you need to.
The Camera thing
Typical conversation: “Wow, must get this picture. Stand still.” Sound of fumbling as you open your iPhone and tap the Camera icon on the lock screen. “OK, I’m ready”.
Better way. Grab your iPhone and as you raise it to eye level swipe right on the lockscreen with your finger or thumb so Camera app is ready by the time it gets to eye level.
Result? A better chance of catching that great shot before it becomes posed, or the moment is lost.
The photos thing
I know I took the photo in June. Oh, I did, but it may have been June 2018. OK. Where is that. Fumbling.
Better way: Open Photos, then open Library and then pinch in. All the images on screen will shrink and you’ll see them all in collections by year. Find the year, pinch out to make the images bigger, scroll up and down to find the month, pinch out. There you are.
Everyone seems to forget this one.
No one would calculate this
I don’t understand why there isn’t an obvious backspace or character delete button on Calculator, but there isn’t. At least, there is, but it is hidden. So when you type an incorrect digit, don’t panic as you need to run your entire calculation again, just swipe left or right to delete the last entered number. Bad news? You can’t delete the incorrect number you placed in the middle of the longer one.
[Also read: How to drag-&-drop between apps on iPhone and iPad]
Swipe Safari
Apple changed Safari quite a bit. But you can still swipe left and right to navigate between open tabs in the browser. Just lightly tap and hold the URL bar and swipe. (And if you want to see all your open tabs in one quick movement, just put thumb and forefinger at opposite diagonals on the corners of the display and pinch. Or tap the little square lower right.
Swipe between apps
Working in one app and need to switch to another? Just tap and hold at the very bottom of the display and raise your finger slightly until a dark space begins to appear around the app, then swipe. You should cycle through all your most recent apps.
A secret Panorama tip
When taking a pano image, just tap the panorama guide arrow to flip it to the opposite direction, right to left.
Grab the full page
On Safari (but only Safari) to take a screenshot in PDF format of the whole page, press the volume and the Side button together to take a screenshot, then, tap the small image that appears, and choose Full Page from the Screen/Full Page options you see. Now you get a PDF of the entire page, from top to bottom. How useful is that?
Loads more tips right here.
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