An insanely rare functioning Apple-1 is available for sale

Where the Apple we know began
The latest Apple memorabilia auction will feature a fully functioning Apple-1 computer and both a check and Time magazine cover signed by Steve Jobs.
The Apple-1 was previously sold in April 2002 at the Vintage Computer Festival in California, when it was purchased by PC pioneer, Roger Wagner, who wrote the first book on assembly-language programming for the Apple II.
Steve Wozniak said: ‘Roger Wagner didn’t just read the first book on programming the Apple computer—he wrote it.’
Steve Jobs’ elusive signature
Among other Apple-related items is a Apple Computer check signed by Steve Jobs in 1976.
The check is filled out in type and signed by Jobs, payable to Tektronix, Inc. for $9.18, July 23, 1976. Headed “Apple Computer Company,” the check uses Apple’s first official address at “770 Welch Rd., Ste. 154, Palo Alto”—the location of an answering service and mail drop that they used while still operating out of the famous Jobs family garage.
The rare Time Magazine cover signed by and featuring Steve Jobs was removed from the February 15, 1982 issue of Time. This appeared when it was rumored Jobs was under consideration as a finalist for Time’s ‘Man of the Year’—instead, Time named ‘The Computer’ as its ‘Machine of the Year.’
Other items are also available
Additional items include a printed Apple logo signed by Apple co-founders, Steve Wozniak and Wayne and titled, “In honor of our principal founder, Steve Jobs”. The two men’s signature also appears on a signed Apple II reference manual that is also for sale and a set of floppy disks.
Previous auctions have featured an Apple-1 Manual, a rare early Apple retail sign, a floppy disk signed by Steve Jobs, a Macworld cover also signed by Jobs and a letter on spirituality written by the principal founder.
More details on the current auction here.
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