Apple kills the Siri for Apple Music Voice plan

Chill out with a little music
Is anyone else old enough to remember when Apple tried to boost HomePod Mini sales with the introduction of its $5/month Voice Plan that let Siri control your music? Bad news. They killed it!
Oh no, Apple (Music) killed Siri!!
The idea behind the plan was that for a measly five (whole) bucks a month you could use Siri as your only way to control access to the Apple Music collection.
Here are 21 things you were once able to ask Siri to do in Apple Music Voice.
While the Apple Music Voice service was not necessarily aimed at people who liked music from bands such as Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum, it was a great gimmick.
It was also a neat way to access a huge library of streamed music for just $5 each month.
Now, sadly, (and no one says “Hey Siri” anymore) it has gone. And as Brazil’s Portuguese language Apple site, MacMagazine first pointed out, references to the plan have been obviated from Apple’s website. “Hey Siri, get lost”.
Today, if you want Apple Music (which pays artists more than almost every streaming provider) you’ll need to pay $5.99 (student), $10.99 (individual), or $16.99 (for the family), or get Apple One. And prices for all of these recently went up.
Perhaps no one asked for it?
What is a little interesting is that no semi-official news on the decision has been made available.
I’m inclined to think that this suggests very limited take-up of what was on offer but can imagine how once Apple weaves a little more GAI intelligence within its devices an automated, highly personalized and voice controlled channel via Apple Music will morph into a really popular service. Sadly, this was not the time.
Doesn’t mean it can’t come back.
But not yet.
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