Apple plans scissor switchers keyboard to replace butterfly

New MacBook Pros ship
Apple tried and tried and tried, but in the end it simply couldn’t change physics enough to make its butterfly keyboards function, and as design chief Ive checks out, it looks like the company plans to put function above form – at least for Macs.
Love is like a butterfly
Except, in this case, it isn’t. Apple has simply had to accept the facts – but I’m no doubt at all that whatever new keyboard design it deploys will still be superthin and slightly sophisticated. And work.
TF International SecuritiesanalystMing-Chi Kuo has the gossip:
“There have been successful developments in the new scissor keyboard. The new keyboard could improve the typing experience by offering longer key travel and durability by adopting glass fiber to reinforce the keys’ structure.” –- MacRumors.

Where’s the key gone?
The analyst predicts the new keyboard design will appear first in a MacBook Air update in 2019 and be later deployed in MacBook Pro designs starting 2020.
“Though the butterfly keyboard is still thinner than the new scissor keyboard, we think most users can’t tell the difference. Furthermore, the new scissor keyboard could offer a better user experience and benefit Apple’s profits; therefore, we predict that the butterfly keyboard may finally disappear in the long term.” (MR)
Meanwhile, if you have a butterfly keyboard fault on your Mac, visit this Apple support page.
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