Does Apple plan GenAI for the iWork apps?

iWork has been available since 2005.
As a wise man said, “There’s a lot of speculation going on about a simple domain registration.” So, what happened, and what is that speculation?
Apple’s service may soon become an ultimate cross-platform multi-device productivity tool if there’s any truth at all to the latest claim, which is that Apple may have acquired a new domain,
Who doesn’t buy a domain now and then?
It is important not to put too much significance in the acquisition.
The company may simply be protecting its iWork trademark by purchasing the domain, surmising (sensibly) that if it doesn’t purchase it some other bright spark entrepreneur will do so. (Those same sparks are probably slightly gutted they didn’t already purchase the domain and set it up as a front page to another GenAI service with a fee on top).
So, what could the significance here be? iWork is the name Apple brands its homegrown productivity app, Keynote, Pages, and Numbers. They were introduced under the name years ago at the turn of the century.
These apps are available free to every Apple user, and give you a nice, well-designed way to get things like word processing, presentation creation or your spreadsheets done. These are useful tools – and would evidently benefit from a little integrated artificial intelligence designed to empower Apple’s customers.
But, what if…
Were Apple to choose to deliver GenAI-like features within the apps it’s reasonable to think those tools will also be made available online. If made available in that way, it could be via an iWork portal – or not: It’s equally probable the company is working simply to protect the brand in case it needs to use it again. All the same, you can expect much more AI and Apple speculation. Which is a fortunate antidote when so many industry watchers continue to pretend to be disappointed at Apple’s already hugely successful Vision Pro with arguments that seem to be becoming increasingly desperate as the positive sales data and first week reviews begin to circulate. I think history will prove those critics wrong.
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