DuckDuckGo now offers private route planning in Maps

Now any user on any platform can get private routes guides from DuckDuckGo
Move over location data collecting mapping services, because DuckDuckGo now offers private route planning for location-related searches on the maps it licenses from Apple. You can try it out using this example search.
Private by design, free to all
The company says the enhancement makes it “the perfect tool for people who want location-based results but want to protect their privacy at the same time.”
Of course, the great thing is that you can now get this private by design mapping data on any supported platform.
DuckDuckGo already uses Apple’s MapKit JS framework to power map-based search results, and now the company has extended that integration to help users plan trips by showing a route overview with distance and travel time.

We don’t keep your data
User privacy is protected thanks to location data being discarded after use, and, “As with all DuckDuckGo searches, we don’t collect or share personal information in accordance with our strict privacy policy,” the company said.
DuckDuckGo explains that when a user makes a location-related search, the browser sends location information which is isolated from any personal information the browser sends, and discarded after use. This means you get anonymous localized results.
“You’ll now see a new addition to location and map search results that will help you plan trips by showing you a route overview, distance and travel time. Look out for it both at the top of search results that display a map, as well as within our expanded map module.”
More here.
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