France says Apple’s updated iPhone 12 is no radiation risk

It’s alright now, bebe, d’accord c’est OK
In an utterly predictable outcome, the French authorities now say an Apple software update has extinguished the internationally reported radiation leak testing error that the nation thought appropriate to announce on the day the iPhone 15 was announced.
Surprising to no one
While no one outside of certain echelons of the French government will ever know if the timing of the original radiation claims was deliberate, or if anyone who was aware of the news had time to sell (or buy) Apple shares before the impact was felt, almost anyone with half a brain almost certainly recognized the core accusations as incorrect.
France had said that in testing the iPhone 12 it had discovered unacceptable levels of electromagnetic radiation. Apple was told to halt sales of the device and a number of European nations then joined the tide of concern at these results.
It was the test that did it
For its part, Apple denied the claim, cited its own studies, and pointed the finger of blame squarely at the test used in France. “This is related to a specific testing protocol used by French regulators and not a safety concern. We will issue a software update for users in France to accommodate the protocol used by French regulators,” Apple said.
The promised software update was shared with the French authorities in the last 48-hours, and it has as expected taken the problem away.
Also read: 10+ things you may have missed in Apple’s iPhone 15 event
What France says now
In a poorly translated press release, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) states it has completed the verification of the update, saying:
“The tests confirm that this software evolution allows this device to meet the limit value of “member” localized SAR, and therefore to comply with the standards in force. ANFR has asked Apple to organize its deployment on all terminals.”
Apple will now distribute the software update to iPhone 12 users in France, and, if I’m honest, I imagine to other European nations that have become anxious as a result of these tests. So that means the last iPhone mini can still be obtained.
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