Google Chrome OS Flex, promises new life for old Macs?

Flex on a computer
Google has announced an early access program for a new iteration of Chrome OS it calls Chrome OS Flex. Aimed at schools and businesses, the idea is that the OS will run on older PCs and Macs.
A little Google in that Mac for you?
The OS works and looks the same as Chrome on a Chromebook, though some features are limited by the hardware you use. The release is based around Neverware CloudReady, which was a Chromium-based OS the company acquired in 2020.
The company calls the OS a free-to-download system that provides fast access to web apps and virtualization. It includes background system updates and built-in security tools and the company claims the OS can be installed on devices in minutes.
When you install the OS, your cloud profile will be downloaded and settings, bookmarks, and policies will automatically sync. There is also a cloud-based Google Admin console.
“Chrome OS Flex has the same code base and release cadence as Chrome OS which ensures a consistent end user and IT experience. Chrome OS Flex delivers the official Chrome Browser, Google Assistant, and cross-device features in the same user interface as Chrome OS. And with Chrome Enterprise for Education Upgrade, IT can manage Chrome OS Flex devices and Chrome OS devices like Chromebooks side by side in the Google Admin console,” the company explains.
[Also read: Amazon now offers M1 Mac mini as a service through AWS]
How to install Chrome OS Flex
To install the system, you’ll need a USB drive and compatible PC or Mac. You can boot up into Chrome OS Flex directly from a USB drive, which has interesting implications for digital nomads, I think.
While it isn’t yet clear which Macs this supports, you’ll find more information and download instructions to create a bootable USB drive to run the OS here. This isn’t final software, so don’t install it on a machine you rely on. Final release of Chrome OS Flex is planned for Q2 this year.
So, if you’re willing to open your digital existence to Google, there may be life in those old Macs yet. Or you could take a look at these 18 ways to speed up your veteran Macs.
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