Hey Doctor, the iPad Will See You Now

c/o drchrono
I welcome drchrono’s decision to offer an iPad Pro to every physician as part of its new iPad and EHR bundle program.
The company wants to help medical practices by providing doctors with a complimentary iPad Pro when they sign up for the drchrono EHR and medical billing platform.
Apple a day
Now, you may have missed that drchrono has been supporting use of iPads in health since 2010.
It has supported every iOS iteration and now wants to drive the digital advantage of Apple’s tech deeper into US healthcare. (To learn more about the drchrono iPad Pro EHR bundle visit this link.)
“Many physicians are using outdated or legacy hardware and software and this leads to issues, whether they be security issues, software issues or stability issues,” said Michael Nusimow, CEO and Co-founder of drchrono.
“The iPad has become a preferred device for physicians to document patient encounters, share medical records, fulfill electronic prescriptions including controlled substances, and quickly bill medical encounters on the go.”
This is pretty important.
The move to deploy effective electronic health records internationally has been frustrated by conflicting standards, technologies and more.
drchrono also works on iPhones, and supports FaceID
Unlock potential
This has limited both patient’s ability to ensure they get the same level of care anywhere.
After all, the ideal has to be that wherever you go a doctor should be able to access your records when you allow it.
Such lack of compatibility has also limited the potential of connected devices like Apple Watch to provide health-focused monitoring and advice in the switched-on way all the mHealth mavericks evangelize such tech can be used.
That’s a shame. The potential for these solutions to transform self-care is already clear, from general fitness to heart conditions to sleeping problems and beyond.
In general, these poor decisions around EHR reflect the short-term stupidity we see is so endemic across power, as reactionaries, profiteers and power groups seem dedicated to making things worse, not better. To their own benefit.
Despite, and not because of those people, the potential of digital health will still in time be realized.
You see, thousands of physicians already use drchrono’s EHR and over 10 million patients are supported by it.
It was the first EHR company to build a native app for iPad and iPhone, and now brings modernized medical health records to the hands of physicians around the world. The company was also selected to join the Apple Mobility Partner Program (MPP) and has been ranked Number One Mobile EHR by Black Book for 5 consecutive years.
The drchrono EHR includes customizable medical forms, e-prescribing, real-time patient eligibility checks, patient portal and more. The company also curates an App Directory that offers a multitude of apps practices can select and a medical API for healthcare app developers.
The connected health future
Now, I’ve been writing about the potential of connected health for years.
The way I see it working is that wearable tech should feed streams of up-to-date health data to cloud-based services.
Those services should take that data and use AI and analytics to detect early warning signs of health problems, and medical practitioners should then be alerted to intervene.
In order to do this, compatibility in existing tech and health records is mandatory. I also think this is something Apple is developing, and I suspect that what we are seeing here from drchrono is a prophecy of a much bigger change.
As I see it, part of the future of medicine is most definitely digital, and while as a UK resident I deplore the shambolic management of the NHS shown by the sad excuse of a government we currently have, I absolutely welcome that digital health should extend more of the benefits of good healthcare and protection to more people at less cost.
I want a national health service for the entire planet, even if the rich people who want their tax cuts today have to pay for it. What finer testament do we have to our own humanity than showing such care?
We have a chance to build a better planet with these technologies. Let’s take that chance.