How To Fix Apple Mail When It Slows Your Mac

Jonny Evans

Watching Apple since 1999. I don't say what they should do. I say what they might do. They sometimes do.

8 Responses

  1. Brian Christmas says:

    I’m keen on including the above command in an ASObjC app.

    Is the correct terminology…

    tell application “System Events” to do shell script (“sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Envelope\”Index vacuum;\””)

  2. no body says:

    In some cases when you “Remove Attachments” they are removed from the imap server and cannot be easily restored.

  3. olly says:

    Is there a fix for this with Mojava

  4. Sara Moulton says:

    sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Envelope\ Index vacuum; gives me an error message.
    Error: unable to open database “/Users/caseyshomefolder/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Envelope Index”: unable to open database file

  5. Christopher Ward says:

    sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Envelope\ Index vacuum; gives me an error message.
    Error: unable to open database “/Users/caseyshomefolder/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Envelope Index”: unable to open database file
    >>>>>Go to the folder location. Check the database is V4. Mine were V2 & V6.
    e.g. sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V6/MailData/Envelope\ Index vacuum;

  6. Brad says:

    Thanks for the article. Running the vacuum on my email database saved me over 140MB.

  7. Ted says:

    I am running MacOS 10.15 and I checked and the database is V7. When I execute:
    sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V7/MailData/Envelope\ Index vacuum;
    I still get the “unable to open database file” error. I had quit the Mail app first. Is there something that still could be hanging up this database?
    Thank you

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