How to watch the ‘Far Out’ #Apple Event (iPhone, Watch, Plus)

Apple is getting ready to unleash the next-generations of iPhone, Apple Watch and (probably) AirPods Pro. We’re bound to learn some things the Apple rumor web failed to pick up on too, such as just why smartphones are going to space? Here’s how and where to watch the September 7 reveal.
How can you watch the event?
Apple will broadcast the keynote from Apple Park. It starts September 7 at 10am Pacific Time and will likely feature new operating systems, some new hardware and possibly more.
Watch it on Apple Events
Apple’s events website will let you watch the live stream using any standards-compliant browser on any device, including Mac and iOS devices. You can add the event to your calendar using a link on that website.
Watch it on YouTube
Apple will stream the event on YouTube, which you’ll be able to access from a huge host of devices, including games consoles and televisions. You can access the page here, with the placeholder video below.
Watch it on Apple’s TV app
Apple’s TV app now integrates what was once the Apple Events app we once used to watch these events. When the event takes place the TV app (available on multiple devices) will give prominence to the event and let you stream the show.
Watch it on a PC
PC owners will need to use Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 to watch the event on Apple’s events site, or use YouTube.
Watch it on the Developer app
Apple will also stream the events from within the Apple Developer app, which is available for Mac, iPhone and iPad at the App Store.
Watch with me
I’ll be tuned into the event and will as usual tap out highlights as they happen using Twitter, so please join me there.
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