How to write your phone number on iPhone — FAST

How to give your finger less work to do…
If you want to reduce the amount of time it takes typing your phone number into any app, you’ll use this tip. It is so much easier than finding the number in your Contacts book and pasting it into another app, or even than typing it yourself.
How to write your phone number on iPhone — FAST
Apple hasn’t yet created a contextual menu item that lets you insert your cellphone number within a Message, email or document, though it will allow you to autofill it online, so long as it relates to your personal Apple ID contact file.
The fast way to write your phone number within almost any app using an iPhone (or iPad or Mac, for that matter) is to create a text replacement for the task.
While these take a few moments to build, once you’ve created a text replacement for one of your Apple devices it should propagate across all the other Apple devices you happen to have signed into the same Apple ID.
This means you get to use exactly the same shortcut each time someone asks for your number and you need to respond.
How to create a text replacement on iPhone, iPad and Mac
You can use text replacements for any kind of text, but here’s the fast way to input your phone number on iPhone, iPad and Mac.
To set this up, you’ll need your cellphone number and an iPhone, iPad or Mac.
On an iPhone or iPad, do this:
- Open Settings
- Choose General>Keyboard
- Tap Text replacement
- Tap the Plus button in the top right corner
- In the Phrase field type your cellphone number.
- And in the Shortcut field type /myno
- Tap Save in the top right.
In future, when you want to type your cellphone number in the body of almost any app, just type /myno and then select the number in the shortcuts menu under the text.
On a Mac, you should:
- Open System Preferences>Keyboard
- Choose the Text pane and tap the + button at the bottom left
- You’ll see a new text entry field appear in the Replace column
- Type the shortcut you want to use, such as /myno.
- Then type (or copy and paste) your number into the With box.
Whichever platform you create the text replacement on you’ll probably encounter a delay before it proliferates. You’ll also be frustrated to learn these won’t work in Word – though this may change in future. All the same, you’ll find it to be a lot quicker typing /myno than typing your actual number in almost any app.
Hope this helps!
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