Safari eclipses Microsoft Edge for desktop browser use
While Chrome is far ahead, Safari has eclipsed Microsoft Edge as the world’s second most widely used desktop browser according to Statcounter’s April 2023 report. It’s a sign of the times – and the challenge is even more evident in the US.
Safari pulls ahead
Globally, Statcounter says Safari takes second place with a market share of 11.87%, up 0.95 points on the prio month. Edge has struggled to reach 11% for a year and lost 0.15 points in April.
But in the US you can see change in action.
There you’ll find thaSafari no holds 20.42% share of desktop browsers. That’s wat above Edge (13.63%), with Chrome share dipping 3.63 points since January to 56.43%.
Apple is gaining share for Mac
You don’t need to be a genius to figure out what this means. It means that Apple’s Mac is gaining share rapidly in the US and also suggests these gains are now being echoed on a global basis.
While there’s a long way to go, the direction of travel seems positive to Apple management, who see a long way to go as a long way to grow.
The wider PC industry continues to see decline and while Apple’s sales feel the same pressure, the data suggests that Mac sales continue to hold their own in comparison to competitors, and with new Macs and new processors waiting in the wings, Apple’s Mac ascendancy continues, even in a challenging environment.
The company is arguably the best house in tech’s troubled neighborhood, Morgan Stanley recently said.
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