Steve Jobs Archive publishes ‘Make Something Wonderful’ book

Steve Jobs on a visit to Apple in Cork, Ireland
The Steve Jobs Archive has published its free digital collection of speeches, interviews, and correspondence by the Apple co-founder, ‘Make Something Wonderful’.
Available now in most formats
The book is available for download from the organization’s website, from Apple books, participating libraries through Libby and for download in multiple formats for almost every available device. The entire publication is also available online through a website designed by Jony Ive’s Love From company.
The Steve Jobs Archive was jointly launched by Laurene Powell Jobs, Jony Ive and Tim Cook. The group promise to provide: “An unparalleled window into how one of the world’s most creative entrepreneurs approached his life and work.”
A valuable insight into Steve Jobs
The book’s contents include so many letters and memos that may never have been seen before, along with a huge selection of images.
The images tell their own story.
While many focus on Jobs’ professional life, there are images that reflect other sides to the man. The last picture in the book is, poignantly, a photo of the Apple founder’s glasses all alone in a white space.
The book ends with what I still think to be among the most inspirational of Jobs’ many statements:
“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact—and that is: everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you.
“And you can change it.
“You can influence it.
“You can build your own things that other people can use.
“And the minute you can understand that you can poke life, and if you push in, then something will pop out the other side; that you can change it, you can mold it—that’s maybe the most important thing: to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there, and you’re just going to live in it versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it.”
Also read: Watch: Steve Jobs predict the future we live in today – in 1981
The founders promise more to come: “We are building programs, fellowships, collections, and partnerships that reflect Steve’s values and carry his sense of possibility forward,” they have said.
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