Steve Jobs remembered, 65 years since birth

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and an Apple-1 Manual
If he had lived, Apple’s Steve Jobs would have celebrated his 65th birthday today, probably with some fresh dent in the universe. As is customary each year, many of his friends and fans have wanted to remember him today.
The loss of Steve Jobs
Jobs died in 2011 following a lengthy battle with cancer at just 56-years old. His legacy remains, however, deep inside the DNA of Apple.
Jobs read one book every year, Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, who once wrote:
“The great man doesn’t think he is great. Those who say they are great are not. And those who are great are too busy being great to think about their greatness.”
The book was so important to Jobs that he arranged for a copy to be given to each person who attended his funeral.
What follows are just some of the highlights as people share tributes to him today.
Thinking of Steve today on his birthday — his friendship, passion, and especially the laughter and joy he inspired.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) February 24, 2020
You can go to school and spend years trying to learn about great marketing.
Or you can spend a few minutes watching Steve Jobs – all marketers should carefully listen:
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) February 15, 2020
“Technology alone is not enough. It is technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that make our hearts sing.” — Steve Jobs
— hardmaru (@hardmaru) February 19, 2020
On this day in 1955: Steve Jobs
— Jon Erlichman (@JonErlichman) February 24, 2020
One of the fav quotes of #SteveJobs which always inspires me “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”Push yourself. Stay eager to learn, take risks, and keep trying to do what others say can’t be done.
Happy Happy birthday to you my idol Steve Jobs.— Tea With Dev (Modi Ka Parivar) 🇮🇳 (@teawithdev) February 24, 2020
RIP, Steve Jobs. I can still remember where I was the day I heard of your passing.
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