These are your 3 new favorite Mac keyboard commands

Well, that’s new…
Most Mac users know they can use Command-F to find stuff inside an app, Command-X to cut and Command-V to paste – but these keyboard commands may help you get more done faster using your Mac.
1. The best keyboard combination in the world
I ALWAYS start these collections with Command-Space. It’s absolutely the most useful shortcut and takes you live and direct into a Spotlight search, where you can search for almost anything, launch apps and more. Try it now. Get familiar with it and use it often.
Just cycle through your windows
The keyboard tip that time forgot, Command-` (backtick) lets you move between all the windows you have open in the app you are currently in. It’s one of the best ways to get around windows (and gets even better when you get used to using the App Switcher and Command-Tab.
2. Send a web page the fast way
Better than the Share menu, just tap Command-I to automatically create an email containing the contents of the active Safari web page you have open. It’s a really quick and easy way to share sites while staying focused on what you are doing. Best used with Command-Shift-\, which takes Safari into carousel view so you can find the window you want.
3. Tidy your desk the easy way
Do you ever get that thing when you have so many windows open you can’t see your Desktop to find some stuff? You can use Command-` to explore windows in the app you are in, you can use Command-tab to cycle through apps and then cycle through the app window, you can even just use Command-Space to search for whatever it is you are looking for. Or just tap Command-Option and then click anywhere on your desktop and watch
- All….
- The other windows…
- Disappear.
- Command-Option-click.
Or, if you want to see only the windows that relate to a specific app, hold Command-Option and tap on any visible window for that app and all the other windows will
Useful when you need it.
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