Today in ARKit: Mixed Reality for new Experiences
I’m inviting ARKit developers to drop me a line when they have a new AR-focused video to share. It’s even better if you can tell me a little more about what you are trying to do, and how you see the industry evolving in future.
Today’s ARKit of the Day is this clever mixed platform, mixed AR solution that’s currently in development from Bit Studio, who say:
“Unified Reality is a unified framework for virtual reality, augmented reality and projection mapping developed by Bit Studio. By connecting virtual, augmented, and physical world together, we introduce a shared experience platform which encourages different approaches of technology to interact with one another.”
The idea is that by connecting different platforms and different usage cases you can create interesting new twists on hybrid reality. The game example in the video is supplemented by a range of other potential usage cases, naturally including medical.
I think it’s thought provoking. I’m very keen to know what others think, and very keen to encourage other ARKit developers to share what they are doing here.
Here’s the clip they sent me: