Video: Steve Jobs talks iPhone with ABC in 2007

The iPhone that changed everything had its own built in full browser. This was new.
ABC let this slip this morning – it’s an early interview around the launch of the iPhone and you should be able to watch it here.
Introducing the segment, ABC’s news anchor said: “For all the oohs and aahs you’d think Steve Jobs had reinvented the wheel.”
I’d argue that in some ways the impact of Apple’s mobile device may not have been quite as radical as the wheel, or fire, but continues to transform everything it touches. It has changed how we work, rest and play.
I quite like Steve’s modesty, when he says “We just try to make products people will like”.
Naturally, when Apple launched the device it came in for lots of criticism from its competitors. Palm. Steve Ballmer. Remember them?
I still have my first iPhone — it’s just so unfortunate that I dropped my first iPad on it (really):