WWDC 2016: 5 probably accurate Apple Watch 2 predictions

Will an Apple Watch compete with Swatch?
People have busy lives so I’ll try to keep this short: here are the five most likely improvements I expect in Apple Watch 2.
Up to 40 percent thinner, according to one report.
Best evidence for this? All watchOS apps submitted from June 1 this year must be native apps built with the watchOS 2 SDK or later. This will make apps far more responsive on Apple Watch, which itself suggests a processor improvement to handle the work.
Improved battery life
Battery life could climb up to 300 percent. Some users will get up to a week’s use between each charge (Apple will claim less)
Built-in embedded SIM
I don’t believe any smartwatch will be truly smart until it is independently connected – cutting the cord is essential to the post-iPhone vision of a connected planet.
More models
You already have the Sport, Watch and Edition. I expect the differences between these three to become more pronounced, with Apple eventually offering some models that compete with colorful Swatch devices at the low end, with superior models designed to compete with the very best watches in the world.
I think build quality, process and materials will define the product range. Who knows, we may even see a circular watch face; think about it and you know that is inevitable – Apple knows the Watch is its “most personal” product, and while v.1 may have been a bit of a one-size-fits-all concept, you’d have to be pretty dumb to expect it to stay that way. Diversification and proliferation is part of what we expect from the watch market.
So that’s it for now. Enjoy your day.
“embedded SIM”. I don’t understand the media’s push for this. People don’t go anywhere without their phone. What’s needed is better linkage so the connection imperceptible.